
While I was watching a TV music show, they sang an old song called “In the Sweet Bye and Bye.” My mind went back in time, and I recalled my Grandma Lucus sitting in her rocker as she sang that old song of the church. I was a young boy, but I remember how the song was so peaceful.

As I reflected about that memory, I started thinking of other memories of the past. People my age tend to do that. I thought about my family and the many times we took trips and the pleasure of seeing my children enjoy themselves. 

I thought of my precious wife, Jean, who is now with Jesus. My mind took me back to our wonderful years loaded with memories of us doing things together. We will not be creating any further memories. But it’s alright. We don’t have to because we had enough.

Then I thought about that night in 1965 when I walked down the aisle of the First Baptist Church in Oxnard, CA and gave my life and heart to Jesus Christ. That is an eternal memory. It transformed my life completely.

How about you? Do you have those memories which you cherish? If you are younger, are you making those memories?

One day, they will mean so much to you. Do you have those special memories of walking with Christ and seeing Him bring change to your life? Do you cherish those times when He answered your prayers? 

Creating memories that last you a lifetime is something that takes action on your part. The Apostle John said, “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18. We must be intentional if we want to create lasting memories that swell our hearts with joy. 

One day, you may sit alone, as I often do without Jean. I pray you will have the same joy that I feel. I have my friend Jesus, my family, my friends, and I have my memories. 

What do you plan to accomplish that will create lifetime memories?




Do not drink the water!