The Test

I have a quiz for you. Now, no cheating. Answer the following questions truthfully.

  • Are you investing your time in your children and your spouse?

  • Are you volunteering at your church or other ministries?

  • Are you spending time with a friend who is hurting?

  • Are you telling anyone about the love of Christ and His offer of life?

If you say no to these questions, maybe you are in the same boat as the Apostles. Jesus had already told them that He was going to the Father, and He left them with the Holy Spirit to teach and guide them.

But, when it was time for Jesus to ascend to the Father, the Apostles stood doing what you and I have often done. As the Lord ascended, two angels appeared and said, “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

The Lord had already disappeared into a cloud, but these men just stood there staring into the sky. The angels were there to wake them from their stupor. They wanted them to not just stand around but to do what they had been trained to do and that was to go and change the world for Jesus.

If Christ is in your life and you have received the Holy Spirit, what are you doing about it? The angel was telling those men the same thing they are telling us who call Christ, Lord. We are to be doing the work of our Father.

If you said no to all or some of my questions above, then perhaps it is time to look inward. Every one of those questions are spoken of in the Bible as our instructions for living a Christ centered life.

This may be the moment to change something in your life. Christ is coming back, and He left us with an assignment. Are you looking straight up or straight ahead?

Lord, help me to center my life on the things you have for me to accomplish,

Scripture reference: Pr. 22:6, Col 1:28, 1 Cor 14:12, Mt. 25:34:40, 1 Pt 4:10, Heb 13:1-3, 1 Pet 3:8, Rom 1:16, Col 2:6-7, Rom 10:13-14


Good Samaritan


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